Since 1998, the Association of Women's Business Centers (AWBC) has aggregated the voices of Women's Business Centers to advocate on behalf of this incredibly successful program to United States Congress, the SBA and other agencies. In addition to helping secure additional funding for the Women's Business Center Program, AWBC works to expand the capacity of Women's Business Centers and the Program as a whole to serve more enterprising women.
As a member of AWBC you'll have:
- An opportunity to learn and grow from shared knowledge with other Women's Business Centers (WBCs)
- A unified voice in Washington, D.C. to advocate for the interests of your Women’s Business Centers and the clients you serve. AWBC engages a government relations firm to guide us in our efforts to ensure that elected officials and stakeholders recognize and support the important and growing role of women-owned businesses in our economy and to sustain federal funding targeted specifically to women’s needs
- Share resources like organizational and program development tools to expand your WBC’s capacity and effectiveness
- A path to improved SBA processes and procedures to help WBCs operate more efficiently and effectively
- Access to the full portfolio of value-added benefits.