MDC Capacity Building Evaluation and Data System Integration Services

Improving nonprofit and community outcomes for over 25 years.
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Marian Doub Consulting (MDC) Team
• 10+ years of organizational capacity building facilitating the design, build, and use of high-integrity data systems for monitoring and improving program results and client outcomes with small business development and community-based economic and asset development practitioner and intermediary agencies.
• Consults extensively with the staff and organizational members of the California WBC Network, National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders (NALCAB), Association of Women’s Business Centers (AWBC), NeighborWorks America’s Success Measures Evaluation Services, California Association for Microenterprise Opportunity (CAMEO), and, previously, the Aspen Institute’s Economic Opportunity Program.
• Ongoing Evaluation, Knowledge and Data System management consulting with NALCAB and California Women’s Business Center (WBC) Network members.
Marian Doub, Principal: 25+ years as a nationally respected practical visionary, manager and results-oriented administrator with over 100 public, nongovernmental, non-profit agencies, and grassroots organizations.
Jim Wood, Data System Analyst, Developer and Communications subcontractor: has been consulting for a wide range of nonprofit organizations to create effective information management systems and solutions since 2010.
Additional team members provide data analysis and visualization, content expertise, and project management as needed.
Discount Offered to AWBC Members

We provide a one hour discovery session free of charge and together develop a project scope of work and pricing that works for all concerned.

Based in San Francisco, California
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Organization Name
Marian Doub Consulting (MDC)
Point of Contact
Marian Doub, Principal

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